Permanent residency is the right offered to foreign citizens to live and work in Romania, based on a residency permit issued by the State Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI), valid for 10 years for EU citizens and family members of non-EU citizens, respectively 5 years for non-EU citizens. Upon expiration of this period you will have to apply for a new permit, it is not issued automatically.
Example: If you were expelled from Romania because you committed crimes against the state or if the Romanian authorities consider that you represent a risk to national security, you will not obtain a Romanian residency permit even if you have lived in Romania for more than 5 years.
Not every misdemeanor or crime automatically makes you lose your right to reside, only those that are considered truly dangerous. If, for example, you received a speeding ticket, it does not automatically mean that your stay in Romania is in itself illegal and you lose the right to a residency permit.
However, we recommend in all cases compliance with Romanian and European legislation throughout your stay in Romania.
Example: If from June 2015 to May 2016 you left Romania for several holidays, accumulating more than 6 months in total, you will not qualify for permanent residency.
Do not consider interruption:
§ absence for compulsory military service
§ absence due to pregnancy or birth, due to a serious illness
§ participation in educational programs, professional training or moving in the interest of service for a maximum of 12 consecutive months.
Example: If you left Romania for 7 months as a volunteer soldier, on your return you will have to wait another 5 years to obtain permanent residency.
Example: if you have obtained a residency permit in Bucharest, you actually live in Brașov, you will have to submit the file for obtaining permanent residency in Bucharest.