What is the Romanian employment visa (D / AM)?
It is a long-stay visa that allows you to travel to Romania and work here as a full-time employee.
Are there any formalities required before obtaining a visa?
Yes, you must first find an employer in Romania and check what type of employment contract you will sign with him. Subsequently, the employer must follow a prior approval procedure before the General Inspectorate for Immigration.
Who can get an employment visa?
Companies can hire any foreign national who is able to fill a vacancy.
How can I apply for an employment visa?
Your visa file must include a series of documents, the most important being the approval (work permit) obtained by the company that wants to hire you.
Your visa file must include a series of documents, the most important being the approval (work permit) obtained by the company that wants to hire you.
How long can I stay in Romania based on this visa?
The employment visa is a D / AM type visa, which means that you can live here for a maximum of 90 days. After arriving in the country, you must apply for a Romanian residence permit at least 30 days before the expiration of the visa, so in the first 60 days of legal residence. If you exceed the duration of the visa, you can receive a fine.
And if you exceed the duration for a very long time, you may end up being deported or, in some cases, you may be banned from traveling to Romania in the future.
Is the visa different from a residence permit?
Yes. The visa normally gives you the right to enter Romania and stay here for a limited period of time, in this case a maximum of 3 months. But if you want to live in Romania for a longer period of time or even work here, you need a valid residence permit. So, the first step is to apply for a visa in the country where you live, in order to enter Romania legally. And if you want to continue living here, the second mandatory step is to apply for a Romanian residence permit at the General Inspectorate for Immigration after arriving in the country.
To obtain a long-stay visa for employment you must submit the following documents:
- a copy of the notice of employment, issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration or, as the case may be, documents proving that the applicant falls into the categories of foreign nationals who may be employed without a notice of employment;
- proof of means of subsistence at the level of the minimum guaranteed gross salary for the entire period entered in the visa;
- criminal record certificate or other document of the same legal value, issued by the authorities of the state of domicile or residence;
- medical insurance during the validity of the visa.
The following categories of foreigners can be employed or can work for individuals or legal entities in Romania without a notice of employment:
a) foreigners whose free access to the Romanian labor market is established by treaties concluded by Romania with other states;
b) foreigners who are to carry out didactic, scientific or other categories of specific activities of a temporary nature in accredited or provisionally authorized institutions in Romania, based on bilateral agreements or as holders of a right of temporary residence for carrying out activities of scientific research, and the personnel with special qualification, based on the order of the minister of national education, as well as the foreigners who carry out artistic activities in cultural institutions from Romania, based on the order of the minister of culture;
c) foreigners who are to carry out on the Romanian territory temporary activities requested by ministries or other authorities of the central or local public administration or by autonomous administrative authorities;
d) foreigners who are appointed to the management of a subsidiary, representative offices or branches on the territory of Romania of a company having its headquarters abroad, in accordance with the documents provided by the Romanian legislation, which prove this;
e) foreigners holding the right of long-term residence on the territory of Romania;
f) foreigners holding the right of temporary residence for the reunification of the family as family members of a Romanian citizen;
g) foreigners holding the right of temporary residence for studies;
h) aliens holding the right of temporary residence granted according to the provisions of art. 130 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 194/2002, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions;
i) foreigners, holders of a valid temporary residence permit, granted for the purpose of family reunification, who have previously enjoyed a right of residence on the territory of Romania as family members of a Romanian citizen and who are in one of the situations provided the art. 64 para. (2) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 194/2002, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions;
j) foreigners who have acquired a form of protection in Romania;
k) asylum seekers from the date on which they have the right to receive access to the labor market according to Law no. 122/2006 on asylum in Romania, with subsequent amendments and completions, if it is still in the procedure of determining a form of protection;
l) tolerated foreigners, during the period when they were granted the tolerance of remaining on the Romanian territory;
m) foreigners holding the right of temporary residence for work purposes, employed in Romania with full-time individual employment contract, for employment with another employer, with part-time individual employment contract, with working hours up to four hours a day;
n) foreigners holding the right of temporary residence for studies may be employed in Romania without a notice of employment only with an individual part-time employment contract with a maximum working time of four hours per day;
o) foreigners holding the right of temporary residence for religious activities to be employed in Romania, within the religious units.
p) citizens of the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the Republic of Serbia employed in Romania with a full-time individual employment contract, for a maximum period of 9 months in a calendar year.